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Rita Litton Award-Winning Acting Teacher and Coach.


“I believe that acting is action oriented, and emotions are the result of intentions successfully or unsuccessfully achieved. An actor does not come on a set or stage to ‘feel an emotion.” The actor ventures into a dramatic situation to do something. There is a reason why acting is also re-acting. An actor who feels the electric two-way giving and receiving is truly alive.”

Rita Litton (from the book “Acting for Young Actors” by Mary Lou Belli and Dinah Linney)

Registering Now !

Winter (2) Program  

See Course Descriptions  

On Camera Film Acting

Rita Litton, Instructor

Next Session:  Winter (2) Program. 

Sec. 1  February 22- March 29, 2025
Saturdays  on Zoom. 10:30 AM -12:00 PM
Five Weeks.  2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/22, and 3/29
No Class March 15th. Term ends  March 29th.

Fee $395 .


Foundations of Acting

Rita Litton, Instructor

Next Session Summer Intensive 
July 2025. Dates TBA
Fee: $925


Private Coaching by Rita Litton

Get expert assistance selecting and polishing audition monologues, including performing classical Monologues!  Perfect for:  BFA, MFA, or High School Performing Arts Entrance Auditions. I also help with Pre-Screens.  See:
Fee:  Contact me for information. Available in New York, NY or online!

Commercial and Voice Acting & Auditioning

Rita Litton Instructor

Available: year round
Time: Email for information
(private commercial coaching)

Upcoming Classes held: 
Winter Film Acting
Section 1 will be held
*Online via Zoom

*Classes offered online are challenging and interactive. Students are warming up, moving, hitting marks, developing strong objectives and freeing their physical behavior. Scenes are shot in a specific ‘box’ or frame–to better duplicate what casting directors are viewing in film audition ‘self-tapes,’ or chemistry reads. Students become comfortable on camera under that tight scrutiny– often in ‘close-up.’ Actors learn how to remember, how to listen, and how to respond.  Classes online are recorded and playbacks are an integral part of every session. Playbacks enable students to better evaluate their work. Throughout the term the work grows more vibrant, specific and spontaneous.

Private coaching in New York City, or via Zoom. 


CANCELLATION POLICY: All Courses will be held subject to demand. Cancellation requests (with the exception of the Summer Intensives) must be received two weeks prior to the start of term for deposit or tuition refund (less a non-refundable $35 administration fee). No refunds or credits will be given with less than two weeks notice or after classes have begun for any reason. This policy is firm (and necessary to maintain our small class composition).

Summer Intensives will be held subject to demand. Summer Program cancellation requests received by June 1 will receive a full tuition refund, less a $75 summer administration fee. No refunds or credits after June 1, or after classes have begun for any reason. 

“Well-trained actors of any age are never a casting risk. A well-trained actor knows how to find solutions to problems. They are flexible, easy to direct yet not afraid to make choices. They are well spoken, have ensemble skills, confidence and physical grace. I am attempting to train actors who will walk out of my classes employable; who will be cast worthy because they are responsible to the director and the other actors on the set or stage. An actor who understands the big picture, how the whole environment should come together. Youth affords many opportunities, and opens doors. But the door stays open for the wise actor with training.”

Rita Litton (from the book “How to Be a Working Actor” by Mari Lynn Henry and Lynn Rogers.)